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Skins: Final Fantasy


Title: In the End
Coverboy: Kuja
Author: Yume
Yume: This work was really hard to do, but I'm really satisfied of the final result. I know only a few things about him, but he intrigued me, so decided to do this skin.
Hikaru: Kuja? Kuja who? ^_^ Hikaru doesn't know anything about him (as for every ff character if you exclude ff8 ones) but likes very much the skin. Yay for nee-chan! :)
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Title: Glorious
Coverboy: Squall
Author: Yume
Yume: This skin is for every games & bishie lover! XD (I'm concise, ne? Pwease, I'm tired, refer to readme file. ^^V)
Hikaru: Squall. -_-; Psycotic, demential, paranoic character from Final Fantasy? Is he? Ah, yes. -_-; I prefer his father: Laguna-samaaaaa! *_*
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Irvine *____*

Title: Farwest Memories
Coverboy: Squall
Author: Yume
Yume: Irvine ... *_____________*
Hikaru: Well, since Yume has left for the Irvine Gold world™ I should comment this skin .. Well it is ... *refuses to comment and leaves for the Irvine Gold World™ too*
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