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Skins: Hanazakari no Kimitachi e

OH GAWD. It's him. It's SANO! Title: To be with you ..
Coverboy: Sano Izumi
Author: Hikaru
Hikaru: Since, as many of you already know, Sano is one of my favourite bishie out there, I have nothing else to say about this skin expect maybe for .. ACID GREEN! XD
Yume: @_@ ACID GREEN! If the Yue's one was relaxing, this is the opposite. Anyway, I really like how the image was manipulated.
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She's so cute isn't it? Title: Shall We Dance?
Coverboy: Ashyia Mizuki
Author: Hikaru
Hikaru: It's .... it's .... It's pink, DAMNIT! XD
Yume: Nice idea the title beetween the main and the equalizer, but you know what I am going to say ... PINKIEEEEEEEEEEEEE *faints*
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