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Skins: Magna Carta

o.o Juclesia! Title: Sadame
Coverboy: Juclesia
Author: Hikaru
Hikaru: *pokes the skin* I don't like the playlist editor, darnIT!
The skin is ... flipped: it has the equalizer main over the main window .. I wanted to try a skin made like this. ^^ Maybe it's a little unusual, but there it is. ^^;
Yume: uh?Uh??? You know what, Hikaru-chan? I like the playlist more than the rest! It's nice!
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Felicia and her short skirt Title: Waterfall
Coverboy: Felicia
Author: Yume
Yume: Yatta! It's finished unlike the matching wallpaper! XD Waiting for the next to be done, with a bishounen form Magna Carta, enjoy this skin! XD
Hikaru: *speechless* It's a girl, it's not a bishie the one featured in this skin!! ^^;
*still speechless* How can she wear that kimono? ^^;;
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